FMCG/PCG organisations increasingly need agile sales force equipped with information and sales tools. While ensuring customer delight, it is incumbent on the organisation to ensure that all its processes are aligned to achieve that goal. A mobile app for the sales team brings about the agility and a systemic approach to sales and distribution operations.

Mobile based application empowers organisational sales and distribution team to bring about an efficacy and efficiency in their operations. It addresses the biggest challenge of streamlining the sales processes from reducing order delays to streamlining production. The resultant advantages span across meeting delivery commitments, ensuring optimum inventories, allow for well-defined production runs and reduce wastages and returns especially in case of perishable items.

Traditional Sales and Distribution Challenges:

  • Misplaced / delayed sales orders
  • Miscommunication in placing orders especially related to order quantity which leads to over or under production
  • Delay in delivery timelines due to lack of information on inventories
  • Information regarding products, pricing etc is not up-to-date leading to discrepancies in order bookings
  • Challenges in inventory optimization and liquidation due to uninformed manual ordering
  • Inappropriate customer call schedules leading to waste of time and reduced market coverage
  • Lack of insight into sales activities and timely feedback
  • Delayed collection and tallying with accounts, leading to increased cost of capital

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